In November of 2020, FiG began a marketing partnership with an Illinois-based memory care/assisted living provider named Aspen Creek and Cottonwoos Creek. As a company, they operate multiple assisted living facilities that specialize in memory care across Illinois and Wyoming. Their communities primarily serve seniors who suffer from memory-related difficulties and illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and more. For over 2 years, our SEO agency in Denver has served Aspen and Cottonwood Creeks and we have generated substantial results for this client throughout our partnership.

In August of 2022, FiG began a partnership with a Denver-based modeling agency named Wolves Management. This talent agency discovers, develops, and manages the professional careers of talented individuals in the modeling industry. Wolves approached our Denver marketing agency to create a ad campaign to bring in attendees for an open casting call.

At FiG, we prioritize client relationships and aim to collaborate frequently with every single client. This approach has helped our website designers in Denver maintain strong relationships and receive repeat referrals from past and current clients. We’re pleased to announce that we’re starting a new client relationship with a new small business thanks to a long-standing client partnership.

Our digital marketing agency has recently kicked off a new partnership with Cognitivve Neurofeedback, a new and exciting small business in Colorado Springs!

In December 2019, FiG began a marketing partnership with Wellington Counseling Group (WCG), a Chicago-based psychotherapy business. WCG specialized in a broad range of therapeutic and counseling treatments for virtually any mental health issue for individuals, couples, adults, and youth alike. Our digital marketing agency in Denver has handled ongoing marketing efforts for this company for the past few years and we have delivered constant positive results for them.

Social media marketing is just one of many components of digital marketing. Various social media platforms, such as Snapchat, TikTok, and Facebook, can be used to introduce brands, grab attention, and engage with prospects and clients. Almost every business these days needs to be on social media, regardless of their size or industry. If you own a business in Denver, social media services can help boost your brand awareness and drive more revenue to your business.

Every month, hundreds of brilliant advertisements come out. They grab the attention of their target audience, communicate a persuasive message to their listeners, and create more brand awareness for the company. And this month, one marketing campaign caught our marketer’s attention at our Denver advertising agency.

At Real FiG Advertising + Marketing, we recently completed a 6-month marketing project for our client, USA Field Hockey. Our marketing agency in Denver handled a variety of marketing operations for our client to accomplish their goal of increasing female athlete attendance at their training camps across the U. S. We’re proud to say that we were able to generate some great metrics for their 2022 field hockey program. 

In 1993, the "Got Milk?" ad campaign was kicked off by the California Milk Processor Board. It was a nationwide advertising campaign that quickly caught the eyes of everyone and has run consistently to this day. The classic iterations of these ads consisted of actors, artists, and other celebrities with milk mustaches and the rhetorical tagline “Got Milk?”. The "Got Milk?" ad campaign has run for decades, and it is the most famous advertising campaign of all time. And as a top media buying agency in Denver, we’re here to comment on its prominence and resurgence.

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