Award-Winning Website Design Company

In our modern digital age, if your business doesn't have a functional website, you simply don't exist. Websites are almost always the first point of contact that consumers have with your business. And if they don't find what they are looking for within seconds, you've missed your chance with that consumer. Because of the fleeting attention you get from consumers online, your business needs a fully optimized website from one of the top web design companies. At Real FiG Advertising + Marketing, we pride ourselves on our website design skills and our ability to custom build effective websites for a wide variety of small businesses. As one of the best web-design firms, we're here to ensure that your website minimizes those missed opportunities by cultivating an incredible user-experience (UX), improving your search engine compatibility, and creating a website that's appealing to all visitors.

How A Top Web Designer Builds Websites

As a leading website design company for small and midsized businesses, the expert staff of Real FiG Advertising + Marketing is packed with experienced website designers. Each one of our web developers writes and designs every website with two audiences in mind:

  • Human beings
  • Search engines

Before focusing on optimizing your website for search engines, we first hone in on the human element of your website. This is referred to as user experience, or UX, in the digital marketing industry. Ultimately, if the UX of your website can't provide what your site visitors need, it will quickly become obsolete and detrimental to your business success. By prioritizing the UX, our web designers can prevent this from happening for you.

User Interface And User Experience

Our top website design company in Denver, Chicago, Texas, and Philadelphia relies on our team of UX experts to break your web design down to its most granular elements - the site map, hierarchy of content, placement of calls-to-action, images, videos, and text to cultivate the ideal customer experience for any website visitors. Before designing any pages or generating any mock-ups, our web designers first focus on the user interface (UI) aspects of your website. Ideally, your UI should be crisp and clean, easy to understand, and responsive to the visitors. Our web design company strives to design your website intelligently to ultimately ensure smooth functionality between all the information that will eventually populate your web pages.

User interface can be thought of as the back-end interactions on your website. From our years of experience as a top web design company in Denver, we understand that a beautiful website that fails to function on the back-end serves no one. We rely on industry standards and employ web design best-practices, but our focus on the user experience doesn't stop there. Once the site is live, our web designers will continue to improve upon the user experience by tracking and analyzing how your website visitors interact with the site and making improvements as necessary. These gradual improvements are the best ways to keep your site visitors engaged and interested in what your business has to offer. This diligent analysis of traffic is just one of the reasons why we are one of the best Denver web design firms. Our experienced web designers prioritize aesthetics, as well as functionality so that your business website is both visually appealing and results-driven.

How Our Website Design Firm Optimizes For Search Engines

As we design your website with the human experience in mind, we leverage a variety of analytics tools out there to maximize the “findability” of your website and drive more leads to your business through search engines. Our web design company in Denver works with many small businesses in highly competitive spaces and our web designers have been tasked with the impossible, only to come out on the other side triumphant. Our web design and digital marketing teams don't get caught up in black-hat fads that could eventually harm our client websites in the eyes of leading search engines. Rather, we diligently employ technical SEO best practices in the development and ongoing optimization of our clients' websites.

Analytics And Search Engine Optimization

Our website design company relies on a plethora of tools to continuously gather and measure data in regard to your website performance. These data pieces provide us with insights that will ultimately help us understand how users interact with and navigate through your business website. With this valuable data, we can further improve the UI and UX of your website to ultimately lead to a greater online conversion rate.

In addition to monitoring the user experience, we also rely on these pieces of data to see how search engines perceive your website. You could have an awe-inspiring, beautiful, and professional looking website, but the aesthetics don’t matter if no one can find the site. At Real FiG Advertising + Marketing, our terrific web designers understand the best practices for website design and for SEO. We will leverage the gathered data so that we can create more relevant content that is optimized for both a human reader and search engine bots to maximize the performance of your business website. We're incredibly proud of our search engine optimization services and the continued results that we receive for our diverse portfolio of clients.

What Can Our Top Website Design Company Offer Your Business?

At the end of the day, your website is your online presence. Without it, your target audience will have great difficulty finding your business and trusting it as well. The design of your professional website should be memorable, informative, and easy to use. Our results-driven approach to website design will ensure your website inspires immediate action and generates qualified leads to ultimately support your business goals. Whether you need a brand new website or a drastic upgrade, our team of web designers will have no problem building out the best possible website for your business.

Are you ready to make a real impact with your website? Contact Real FiG Advertising + Marketing today to start working with our award-winning web designers.