Displaying items by tag: Message
Super Bowl: 10 Years; $1.72 Billion Dollars
In the last decade, the Super Bowl has grabbed the attention of 125 different marketers. If you had to guess which company has held the biggest presence, you probably wouldn't be too shocked to find out it's Anheuser-Busch.
Developing an Effective Message
When I say "messaging", I don't mean promotional text messages or email messages in your inbox, but the content, images, and everything else that is included in the way that you talk about your brand. Consider for a moment that you are a brand and messaging is how you behave. In order to make yourself "attractive", you need to develop clear messaging to generate constant interest/attention from your audience through your actions, appearance and value as a person. This is what we call "efficient marketing communications" or effective messaging.
Efficient Marketing Communication
Following up on our previous discussion of social media, let's dig deeper into the core of its "solid content" message. With the expansion of digital technology, the world is becoming closer, but people are harder to reach. Although there is no doubt that the internet has brought a lot of advantages to our society, companies and individuals are both facing obstacles to effective communication due to the explosion of online sources and the accumulation of clutter.