Then last week, Heineken released the sequel-- "The Perfect Date". Just like "The Entrance", this time the hero lead his date through a restaurant kitchen, again attracting everyone's attention, and "charged the brand further with an aspirational and cosmopolitan personality".
Heineken says that both of these films see the "entrance" of Heineken's new universal tag line "Open Your World", conveying the brand with a worldly, open-minded, and confident personality. FiG agrees that the film nicely conveys this message by engaging consumers from the beginning to the end in the 2 commercials. But, at the same time, this new campaign seems to be taking a significant cue from the "most interesting man in the world", the famous campaign series by Dos Equis, which is a brand owned by Heineken since 2010. In "The Entrant" the man is visually defined to be the most interesting man (at least) in the room by the assortment of archetypal characters he is currently engaged with, the "Bond Villain," the Kung-Fu master, etc... while "The Most Interesting Man in the World" has lived a life of absurdly masculine adventures conveyed verbally with only light visual context.
One idea implemented well in two different ways. However, the most interesting part is not whether Dos Equis is planning to refresh consumers about the most interesting man, but whether or not Heineken is going to take over this successful campaign concept, given the fact that "the Entrant" is quite similar, and Heineken now owns the Dos Equis brand.