The Client
The Design One Interiors is full-service interior design company, specializing in high-end residential and commercial designs. With more than 25 years of experience in the industry, the company has developed a complete understanding of homebuilding and remodeling; facilitating the interior design process for all parties involved.
The Project
This project includes but not limited to site traffic analysis, internal site modification, and external link building efforts as well as media campaigns. On a monthly basis, FiG will develop a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign based on live site traffic data, assess and work to improve site conversion, and manage social media campaigns. We will also negotiate with media outlets on behalf of Design One Interiors to plan, purchase, design, and execute media campaigns. In order to measure and manage the campaigns, quarterly reports will be generated and delivered to the client reflecting site traffic, ranking reports, and campaign schedules.
FiG Advertising and Marketing
Based in Denver, Colorado FiG Advertising and Marketing (Focus Identity Group, LLC) is more than your traditional marketing agency. Not only do our services go beyond TV, Radio, and Print (in fact we do Website design, SEO, Web-marketing, and more) but our service goes beyond what you've come to expect from a marketing agency. We are a Denver internet marketing agency that is dedicated to providing powerful results driven media campaigns, no matter what the media.