The Client:
ATD stand for “Attention to Detail” and is a growing Foundation. ATD started as an elite technical and physical football training camp, teaching high school athletes not only the fundamentals of the game, but also mentoring them, teaching them discipline, and training them so they have the ability to reach the next level of their game. The camp allows the young athletes to gain exposure and work with NFL and collegiate players. The hope is to grow the Foundation to include multiple entities, covering more than just football, and give back to the community.
The Project:
FiG will be updating the ATD website, creating a place for camp registration, foundation information, sponsor information, events and more. We will be giving it a fresh, updated look with additional functionality along with integration to ATD’s social media. The goal is to make the site more welcoming, easy to navigate and find information.
If your website needs a fresh look or additional functionality, contact FiG today to see what we can do for you!