And therein lies the friction in many relationships. One person’s primary language may not match their partners, so they simply don’t communicate their love in the language in which the other can hear it.
We’ve applied Chapman’s love languages to branding so you can find the love with your audience and communicate with them more effectively.
Quality Time
The language of Quality Time (QT) is an intentional face-to-face interaction without lots of interruptions. When the language of QT is invoked, it establishes credibility and trust.
Your brand can harness the language of QT with great customer service, in-store promotions, and engaging events. Davidsons Liquors, a long-term client of FiG’s, spends Quality Time with their customers by hosting weekly events such as themed tastings. Customers feel valued during these events while Davidsons demonstrates their subject matter expertise.
Words of Affirmation
Words of Affirmation (WA) is the language of acknowledging and encouraging your partner. Words are powerful and can bolster a relationship, or tear it down. By using words of affirmation, your partner receives confirmation of how you value them.
So too in branding, acknowledging your customer in an authentic way is moving and tells your audience that you really “get them.” Nike has been using this language for decades and more recently in their Find Your Greatness campaign. The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty has used WA flawlessly by reassuring women of their natural beauty and encouraging a wider definition of beauty. When you affirm the value of your customers, as people, you humanize your brand and make it relatable and likable.
Physical Touch
Physical Touch (PT) is love expressed by hand-holding, kissing, or a big engulfing hug. While we do not condone physically cuddling customers, there is a way to leverage PT for your brand.
Touchpoints are the concept equivalent to the language of Physical Touch. Find different avenues through which to touch your audience. Don’t settle for just one. Be in as many places as your audience is—whether that’s on social media, on a store shelf, in their mailbox or on the radio. There are dozens of ways to touch your audience throughout their day.
Gift Giving
Gift Giving is the language of “I-was-thinking-of-you-and-got-you-this.” These tokens of affection can be big or small but are always tangible expressions of love.
Gifts are a way of staying top of mind with your customers. A pen here, a stress ball there, t-shirts, bags, bottles, thumb drives are all gifts that with custom printing can communicate your brand. The best gifts are ones that tie your product or service to your audience. (For example, give athletes an exercise band with your gym’s logo and hours printed on it.) The more clever and specific the gift is, the more meaningful and memorable it will be.
Acts of Service
Acts of Service (AS) is the language of “honey-do.” It’s making your loved one’s day better by doing something for them that reduces their stress level or adds to their enjoyment.
Nordstrom has made this their primary language with their customers by providing remarkable customer service that goes beyond just being knowledgeable and polite. They make their customers’ lives easier. Nordstrom introduced mobile payments in-store so you could pay whenever you want without having to wait at a register. They also provide 3D foot-scanning sizing technology to “match you to the perfect shoe without the need to try on every pair in the house.” As a brand, they excel at the language of Acts of Service.
Your brand could become similarly fluent in this language. Provide free gift wrapping during the holidays, like Barnes & Noble does. Have a nail salon? Offer free jewelry cleaning and five-minute neck massages to customers while they get their nails done.
If you want to discover new ways to communicate with your customers, use the Five Love Languages as your jumping off point.
Does your brand need some coaching on leveraging the love languages your customers most desire? Or just need some relationship advice? Contact FiG today for a top Denver marketing agency.