Over the last seventy-eight years, DCCU has established a brand identity in the Denver community. Their current members remember the credit union by their exceptional customer service and the value of the personal banking products. However, their old website was not user-friendly, nor easy to navigate. Given their success and continual growth opportunity in the Denver metro area, a new website that is informational and easy to navigate was greatly needed.
If you recall our New Client Announcement, Denver Community Credit Union came to FiG looking for a website that would:
Reflect their service quality
Reflect the financial benefits for their clients
Inform a user on Denver Community Credit Union’s services
Encourage contact with a lender/banker for new services
Allow access to members existing account information.
Based on these needs, FiG came up with a new website navigation that would better categorize service information, make account login fields more accessible and so much more.

The Credit Union's e-banking section of the website is an important feature which needed to be easier to access. FiG created a member login field that allows users to log in to their account without ever leaving the homepage. There is also a loan application portal, a portal to begin the process of opening an account, and a branch and ATM locator, pictured below.

In addition, FiG has helped DCCU make it clearer to their customers that Denver Community Credit Union is part of a large network of credit unions that partner to create a vast network of ATM's and branch locations for members.
FiG re-categorized the services of Denver Community Credit Union into personal services, business services, and their educational portion, Clear Money. This break-up and clear top navigation makes it much easier to find what a user is looking for, whether it is personal auto loans or business checking.
A few new features that engage and educate the DCCU customers are the social media streams that give live updates of Denver Community Credit Union's Facebook, Twitter and Youtube channel, the ability to sign up for Clear Money classes online, and a search field which will find a user any Denver Community Credit Union information they are looking for.
FiG also created a mobile friendly version, with rates, locations, and more for all on the go needs!
With the new website design, Denver Community Credit Union's range of services, financial benefits and ease of accessibility now speak for themselves.
In the background, FiG is also developing the SEO for denvercommunity.coop, so stay tuned to hear how they are doing!
In the mean time, if your company needs more visibility in your community and online, contact FiG and discover what we can do for you!