LessonsOnly is a website/service that helps connect athletes and students with qualified instructors. Whether you're looking for a tutor for your kids, gifting your spouse lessons in something they love, or looking to try something new yourself, LessonsOnly is the place to find the classes you seek.
We (FiG) are working with LessonsOnly right now to spread their brand and services through some targeted direct mail campaigns, so keep a close watch on your mailbox! Or, just check them out now at www.lessonsonly.com
On a side note: if you are an educator (for just about anything) and looking for a place to find students, LessonsOnly is currently taking applications for qualified coaches, tutors, teachers, and instructors alike! Let them know FiG sent you!
We at FiG love what LessonsOnly is doing -- we truly stand behind their vision, and we are thrilled to be a part of their marketing efforts.