Thursday, 15 October 2020 12:53

A New Normal: Advertising Tips Amid COVID-19 From a Denver SEO Agency

How will advertising continue to be shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic? That’s a question many business owners are asking as coronavirus cases in the U.S. continue to rise, sparking concern that the next big wave of infections has already begun. Here at FiG Advertising + Marketing, a top Denver SEO agency, we’ve shifted our style of advertising to meet a new reality—or a “new normal,” if you will. 

However, a lot of these advertising changes will have implications long after we return to in-person work. No matter when that may be, it’s safe to say the recent adjustments to social distancing, remote work, and online shopping will forever shape the advertising industry.

Here’s how to ensure your business or brand reaches the right audiences during COVID-19. Because let’s be honest: the pandemic is not ending anytime soon. 

Businesses and brands need to stay visible to their customer base 

If you paid attention during Economics 101, then you know that periods of economic growth and decline are often driven by consumer confidence. When confidence is high, consumers are spending more, which leads to more growth, which then leads to even higher confidence, and so on and so forth. 

But when confidence is low—which often occurs in times of uncertainty and instability—many companies look for places to cut their budget. For some, marketing is the first one put on the chopping block. And yes, in the short-term it may lead to temporary savings. But in the long-term, that cut can be detrimental. In times like these, staying visible to your audience is more important than ever before. It’s key to surviving the current crisis. 

Consumers know the difference between genuine support and idle chatter 

There’s been a ton of brand messaging about COVID-19. Just think back to the first few weeks of the pandemic shutdown. How many emails did you receive from companies or organizations you didn’t even realize you were subscribed to?

While it’s difficult to disagree with the sentiment behind these types of messages, most often they feel disingenuous or overly opportunistic. So as you decide what type of content you want to put out into the world, just remember that speaking from a place of sincerity goes a long way.

And if you can put your money where your mouth is and actually take action, that’s even better! Dyson, for example, announced earlier this year they were going to produce ventilators when it became clear there was a nationwide shortage. That’s something consumers won’t soon forget. 

Search engine optimization is more important than ever before 

Screen time is up significantly. And while PPC advertising, social media, and other online platforms can certainly generate traffic to your website, organic search accounts for 73% of all traffic to business services sites. 

That’s a pretty staggering statistic. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty of  other reasons to focus on SEO amid COVID-19, such as:

  • SEO builds trust and credibility – In order to establish authority and rank well on Google, websites and blogs need to provide high-quality, relevant content that answers common questions, provides links to helpful resources, and is easy to digest with proper formatting and visuals.
  • Strong SEO means a better user experience – Every business wants to improve its organic rankings, but many don’t realize that user experience is a big part of that. A strong SEO strategy will incorporate a more positive user experience. 
  • Increased traffic, engagement, and leads – We don’t want to sound like Captain Obvious, but SEO is key to driving consumers to your site. And if you’re producing quality content, you’re inevitably going to see an increase in engagement and leads.
  • SEO helps you get in front of consumers at every stage of the buying cycle – Consumers do a lot of research before purchasing a product or service. Using effective SEO tactics can help you create content for consumers at each stage in the buying cycle. 

Leverage a top Denver SEO agency for your business

SEO is always important but it’s especially so now. If you’re interested in learning more about how it can best benefit your business, reach out to us at FiG Advertising + Marketing. We are a top Denver SEO agency that works with clients across virtually every industry. 

Contact us today to learn more about SEO and how we can improve your advertising efforts!