Thousands of words have been written that describe both of these terms and what they mean to the online marketing industry. As marketers, our reality is that the “How To Cope With Change” manual has yet to be written. Whether or not SEO or Search Engine Optimization is Dead and Inbound Marketing exists, the online marketing industry is definitely in uncharted waters.
Inbound Marketing + Search Engine Optimization
Are you wondering if it is time to let go of your current marketing strategy yet? Read on and discover just a few of the changes that may be headed our way in the online marketing industry:
1. The opportunity for social engagement continues to expand: New social media websites that show us new and inventive ways of displaying our lives, such as Instagram, (similar to Pinterest), Medium (text and pictures), and HangOuts on Google + which make it insanely easy for families to stay in touch and for businesses to network. In the meantime Facebook and Twitter continue to grow in both size and influence across the world to the extent now that revolutions have been started in some countries as a result of social media. Stock market drops have resulted from Twitter posts and I am sure there are more worldwide effects of social media to come. But remove the window dressing and what do you have, our lives in words and pictures, known to the marketing industry collectively as “content”.
2. Google continues to move forward with search engine innovation that allows the best content to float to the top: Google Algorithm Change History. Also on the horizon are potential competitors for Google, and, both of which compete for marketshare with unique concepts.
3. Business website empires are becoming decentralized as a result of increased social media opportunity and the rise of mobile device marketing, will you need a corporate website or will you move to online customer communities in the near future?
4. Measure twice, market once, website and social media analytics are expanding and changing to keep up with the need for business intelligence, particularly in the social media analytics arena.
5. Brick and mortar retail establishments are now learning how to maximize the influence of mobile phone and internet shopping Will retail establishments become showrooms only? Check out the business model of Tesla Motors, the premier electric car.
6. Search is now going social and those businesses who depend on local search and local reviews are exploring new and creative ways to increase social media engagement, improve reviews and expand their reach in local search. Review providers continue to grow and expand, most notably Yelp. How will this centralization of local business information and reviews change the internet landscape for small business?
7. Small business owners are discovering that their online marketing needs to shift to an owned and earned content strategy to keep up with social media and increase their inbound leads.
So change is upon us and whether or not you call it the Death of SEO or Inbound Marketing, FiG is here to help your business and your business identity continue to grow and take advantage of the fast moving shift online from outbound marketing to inbound marketing.