First, we all know Christmas is a time for companies to reignite relationships with their clients. Corporate budgets for expensive gift baskets, cases of wine, sought after tickets etc. How to choose your gifts? Here are a few tips: 1) Carefully think out gifts reflecting your brand, your niche, and your image; 2) Inspirations from your company history, your colors, your marketplace or your existing advertising will make a gift memorable; 3) Have some fun with industry terminology, trade talk, and achievements, and you are sure to be remembered.
Second, it is staff incentive and rewards time. When The Holidays come around it is important to recognize the efforts and achievements of your employees. Using business gifts as an incentive or as a staff reward can be an effective way of motivating a team and providing a way to focus a team's efforts. But personalized business gifts at Christmas also show that the individual's efforts have been noticed. Just one simple act will show an individual that their efforts have been appreciated.
After thanking both your major customers and employees, it is time to plan Christmas marketing. To begin with, a company has to know its marketing goal in this season, whether it is to increase the conversion rates, the order size, or simply just attract more traffic to the website. Each goal has its own rules to play and it varies among companies to determine which one is important. Next you need a budget.
How much money is your company planning to dedicate to your Christmas marketing? If it's a small, experimental budget, then you'll need to be reasonable about how much you can expect to achieve. However, don't get restricted by the budget. Think out of the box. It is the idea that matters and will bring you customers. With the budget and a goal in mind, when planning your holiday marketing, don't forget to connect it with the Christmas spirit; be generous and thankful as a potential advantage for your marketing.
You may have noticed, Christmas campaigns nowadays cry out for social media elements as well. So here, FiG Advertising is going to give you some social media marketing suggestions as our gift to you.
General Rule: Successful social media marketing is about offering value to people. This can be posting discounts, especially at gift giving times, when everyone's budgets are stretched. However, it's not just discounts. To be truly social online you need to do more than talk about your products/services.
Social Interaction: Interact with people, start conversations, respond to feedback, engage in debate, and promote discussions. Never ignore your blogs, instead, keep updating it. As Kevin Gibbons said:
"Google’s crawlers won’t be clocking off at three to go down the pub, so don’t stop feeding them the content they need.
Regular, original copy is essential for your organic optimization. Your website should be putting out a regular content ‘heartbeat’, so that the robots know to keep checking it."
This is where intelligent and useful blog posts come in; thoughtful and succinct tweets; clever Facebook applications; content that's worth sharing. Although Christmas may not be the major marketing effort of your company, it's a great promotional opportunity that will generate some attention.
FiG Advertising and Marketing has a slew of options for both promotional items for gift giving as well as the advertising know-how to get your clients spending with you and not your competition this, or any other, season.