Displaying items by tag: Marketing Thought
5 Tips to Improve Local SEO From a Chicago SEO Agency
Local SEO is key to success for small businesses. Optimizing your website to perform well in a certain city or area will lead to more physical and digital traffic, more leads, and more conversions. And believe it or not, 35% of all searches are local. So if you don't focus any efforts on local SEO, you could be missing out on a significant amount of traffic. To help improve your local SEO, here are 5 expert tips from our Chicago SEO agency.
A 4-Step Guide To Develop Your Best Denver Marketing Strategy
It should go without saying that marketing is incredibly important to the success of your small business. Without the right marketing measures in place, you’ll fail to attract customers for your business. But that doesn’t mean any old generic marketing campaign will do the trick. Your tactics need to be well-targeted and appropriate for your business. And it’s not always easy to develop a campaign on your own. As Denver marketing experts, we’re here to help you navigate the right path towards marketing success.
4 Reasons To Upgrade Your Social Media Marketing In Denver CO
On any given day, over 3.5 billion people log into social media platforms around the world. And all of those users will spend anywhere from a few minutes to several hours on those platforms each day. Whether you’re familiar with social networks or not, you can’t ignore the fact that social media is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy today. If you’re disregarding your social media presence, you may actually be negatively impacting the potential of your company. Believe it or not, your business stands to gain tremendous benefits when you leverage the right social media marketing in Denver, CO.
Examining The Ethical Requirements For An Ad Agency In Denver
When is an advertisement unethical? What does it look like? How should the company be held accountable? It’s tricky to talk about ethics in the modern corporate world. As the ethical nature of a few advertising and marketing tactics are being called into question, we wanted to reflect on the best ethical practices that make an ad agency credible, respectable, and admired.
The Modern Age Means Modern Marketing Costs
In 1980, if you wanted to open a sandwich shop, it wasn’t too hard. You rented out some readily available commercial space, brought in the right ingredients, began operations, purchased some print advertisements, and started gaining customers. Back then, marketing costs were simple, easy to manage and understand.
Media Buys & The Wonder Woman Ad Campaign
TMany people speculated on the seeming lack of advertising for the Wonder Woman film. There are industry critics who think the film's opening wasn't supported with enough media buys, as compared to similar comic hero films. Some opined that this lack of advertising would contribute to the film's eventual failure.
Google Advertising: An Ad Misplacement Mistake
Recently, Google was called out for accidentally placing advertisements beside inappropriate and offensive content. In response, Google has announced its “three-pronged” solution to combatting ad misplacement by focusing more closely on policies, enforcement, and controls.
Industry News: Ad Blocking Costs Marketers Billions
eMarketer says that “In 2016, 69.8 million Americans will use an ad blocker, a jump of 34.4% over last year.” Ad blockers filter out ads on peoples’ mobile and desktop devices. Next year, that figure will grow another 24.0% to 86.6 million people.” Though your audience may choose to ignore you, you can’t neglect them. Ad blocking software is “already used by hundreds of millions of people,” Mr. Blanchfield, CEO and Co-Founder of PageFair, assures us, “You can’t put the cat back in the bag.”
FiG Marketing Thought: To Tweet or Not to Tweet
"To tweet or not to tweet... that 'tis the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind To suffer the slings and arrows of marketers' fortune Or to take arms against the seas of troubles."
Analytics 101 for Small Businesses Part II of II
In Part I, we discussed connecting your website’s content to your overall business goals. (Yes, it sounds so incredibly elementary, and yet many small companies still don't know how to do this.) Now we'll look at measuring the ROI of your website which is done with analytics.