Browser Coup d'état

Tuesday, 29 December 2009 08:11

I recently came across this cause, Browser Coup d'état being promoted by .Net Magazine. The case presented is well articulated and illustrate a point that many of my clients might not otherwise understand.

TV advertising and something to grow on

Thursday, 17 December 2009 09:47

So I was just thumbing through a copy of Science News from over the summer, August 29, 2009 to be exact, and an article caught my eye. It basically says something I've been telling clients and prospects forever. Just because your ad isn't on during a football game on Monday night doesn't mean it won't work.

Promoting your Greenonomics

Monday, 31 August 2009 04:56

Last week on Tuesday August 25 I had the pleasure of visiting the EcoTuesday event at the Hotel Monaco in downtown Denver. I met with people interested in networking with green businesses. It was good to see folks out there that had an interest in the bigger picture beyond just the quickest way to make a buck.

The Customer is Always Right

Tuesday, 14 July 2009 06:57

Too often it seems that businesses view marketing as the advertising and promotions that they run. This is a narrow view of the function, and can result in devastating consequences to the amount of business that is conducted.

An incredibly fundamental aspect of marketing and advertising that many companies miss, whether they are B2B or B2C, is consistency. Too many people let their fluctuations in budget elsewhere in the company alter their marketing plans significantly.

SEO And Web Clutter

Thursday, 19 March 2009 14:14

The concept of web clutter isn't a new thing. It's the entire reason that search engines were created. There got to be so much stuff, that there needed to be a way for the user to find what they are looking for. Though I can't imagine who could possibly be looking for this:

The Three Little Figs

Wednesday, 18 March 2009 03:08

Let me tell you a story about three companies. These three companies went out in the world to make their fortune. The first company decided to play it safe and conservative. Only spending money internally making their widgets that would sell eventually not thinking of the here and now. The second company spent liberally on "getting the word out" but thought little about the future. The third company thought carefully about now and then and balanced their approach.

Marketing 2.0 :: Part 2

Thursday, 12 March 2009 08:20

You may recall us talking about the value of Marketing in a revolutionized world of digital. This is the follow-up blog article to that past Marketing 2.0 blog, where we will dive a bit further into the "internet generation."

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