FiG Marketing Thought (82)

FIG shares thoughts about the latest and greatest trends and how businesses can implement marketing trends in their businesses.

In Part I, we discussed connecting your website’s content to your overall business goals. (Yes, it sounds so incredibly elementary, and yet many small companies still don't know how to do this.) Now we'll look at measuring the ROI of your website which is done with analytics.

Industry News: Marketing Trends for 2015

Monday, 15 December 2014 06:41
Changes in digital marketing are becoming more frequent, and it can be hard for anyone to keep up.
If you recall, last month we talked about marketing automation and content marketing,
There are many logos that have stood the test of time – ones that almost everyone can identify immediately when seen: Coca-Cola, Nike, FedEx, Microsoft, etc. Have these logos become so familiar to us because of the billions of dollars these companies have spent in the pursuit of brand awareness? Or is it due to the logos themselves being well thought-out from conception?

Visual Content is King

Monday, 07 April 2014 06:56
I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "content is king," and in the world of marketing, it is an ever growing truth. These days, especially when considering social marketing, the real king is not just content but visual content, with images taking center stage.
In the world of search, content is of high importance. Along with traditional keyword optimized websites, YouTube and Facebook have been the favored social accounts promoted by brands using paid search, both of which make it easy to produce sharable content.

New Yelp App Features See Results

Thursday, 31 October 2013 06:55
Companies continue to find success with mobile and this time it is Yelp.
This week brings some big buzz in the Search Engine Optimization world due to a sudden change from Google who, instead of opening new doors, is closing a few.

Is the Term “Social Media” Outdated?

Friday, 20 September 2013 08:38
Have you ever stopped to really scrutinize the phrase “social media?" We've been using the terminology for years (coined in the 1990s at AOL according to Forbes), but think about how much the meaning of it back then has changed with the use of social platforms throughout the years.