FiG Marketing Thought (82)

FIG shares thoughts about the latest and greatest trends and how businesses can implement marketing trends in their businesses.

In 1980, if you wanted to open a sandwich shop, it wasn’t too hard. You rented out some readily available commercial space, brought in the right ingredients, began operations, purchased some print advertisements, and started gaining customers. Back then, marketing costs were simple, easy to manage and understand.
Did you know that 330 million people worldwide have some sort of visual impairment? Did you know that this audience has more than $1 trillion – yes, trillion with a “T” - in disposable income? Are your digital marketing efforts inadvertently leaving out a major percentage of your target audience? Let's go over some best practices for marketing accessibility to ensure that you're not losing an audience that's equivalent to the population of the entire United States.
As with many of the other popular themes in marketing, Micro-Moments have become a common buzzword that is thrown around in conversations. The idea of a micro-moment was introduced a few years back but has become increasingly more popular as consumer behavior continues to adapt to a digital-centric mindset. But, what does this idea mean for your business?
As a marketer, you should be familiar with the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) that will be fully enforced on May 25th. Having been ratified in April 2016 by the European Union with a two-year grace period for implementation, the timeline for compliance is rapidly coming to a close. It is important to understand how these changes can impact your marketing approach.

Which Is Better: SEO Or PPC?

Wednesday, 25 April 2018 06:30
As digital marketers, we get this question all the time. Each time we speak to someone who is wondering about the best marketing tactics to drive traffic to their website, our answer is always the same: “It depends.” In order to choose the most effective tactic to complement a marketing strategy, one must take into consideration a number of different aspects of the company's current situation.
The idea of AI, or artificial intelligence, stems from ancient philosophy, in which philosophers tried to explain the concept of human thinking through the mechanical manipulation of symbols. While initially held back by technological limitations, the increased capabilities of hardware and software have led to rapid development on the AI front. From self-driving cars to voice-operated assistants, we interact with the digital brain on a daily basis without even realizing it.
Earned advertising, especially that in the form of recommendations from family and friends, has been the reigning champion of influential communication for many years now.

Voice Search Means Changes For SEO

Wednesday, 08 November 2017 03:00
Voice-activated technology has become a staple in our cell phones, our laptops, and our vehicles. It is changing the way we set our alarms, make phone calls and find information. From Siri on the iPhone to Alexa for Amazon, voice-activated “assistants” are a new way that consumers are getting things done. The new capabilities of voice search are changing consumer behaviors and it's forcing SEO marketers to change their tactics as well.
With the emergence of virtual reality (VR) software on the tech scene, potential users from all demographics are scrambling to become a part of the action. This leaves marketers wondering "What is virtual reality?" and "How can we incorporate our brands into this new technology?" and stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving industry.