FiG Marketing Thought (77)

FIG shares thoughts about the latest and greatest trends and how businesses can implement marketing trends in their businesses.

The idea of AI, or artificial intelligence, stems from ancient philosophy, in which philosophers tried to explain the concept of human thinking through the mechanical manipulation of symbols. While initially held back by technological limitations, the increased capabilities of hardware and software have led to rapid development on the AI front. From self-driving cars to voice-operated assistants, we interact with the digital brain on a daily basis without even realizing it.
Earned advertising, especially that in the form of recommendations from family and friends, has been the reigning champion of influential communication for many years now.

Voice Search Means Changes For SEO

Wednesday, 08 November 2017 03:00
Voice-activated technology has become a staple in our cell phones, our laptops, and our vehicles. It is changing the way we set our alarms, make phone calls and find information. From Siri on the iPhone to Alexa for Amazon, voice-activated “assistants” are a new way that consumers are getting things done. The new capabilities of voice search are changing consumer behaviors and it's forcing SEO marketers to change their tactics as well.
With the emergence of virtual reality (VR) software on the tech scene, potential users from all demographics are scrambling to become a part of the action. This leaves marketers wondering "What is virtual reality?" and "How can we incorporate our brands into this new technology?" and stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving industry.
TMany people speculated on the seeming lack of advertising for the Wonder Woman film. There are industry critics who think the film's opening wasn't supported with enough media buys, as compared to similar comic hero films. Some opined that this lack of advertising would contribute to the film's eventual failure.
Recently, Google was called out for accidentally placing advertisements beside inappropriate and offensive content. In response, Google has announced its “three-pronged” solution to combatting ad misplacement by focusing more closely on policies, enforcement, and controls.
If you want to know what the next generation of marketers are thinking, go to their college and take their questions. On Wednesday, January 18th, that’s what I did when I participated in a panel of market research and analytics experts for the University of Denver.

The 5 Love Languages of Branding

Wednesday, 12 October 2016 09:56
The New York Times bestseller, The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, gives us insight into the most effective ways to communicate love. He outlines the five languages as Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, and Gift Giving. Chapman asserts that everyone has a primary love language, but not everyone shares the same one.
eMarketer says that “In 2016, 69.8 million Americans will use an ad blocker, a jump of 34.4% over last year.” Ad blockers filter out ads on peoples’ mobile and desktop devices. Next year, that figure will grow another 24.0% to 86.6 million people.” Though your audience may choose to ignore you, you can’t neglect them. Ad blocking software is “already used by hundreds of millions of people,” Mr. Blanchfield, CEO and Co-Founder of PageFair, assures us, “You can’t put the cat back in the bag.”